Svensk mat- och miljöinformation, Swedish Food and Environment Information, is a non-profit member organisation providing information about the environmental impact of the food sector and working for a sustainable food system. The organisation works from a holistic perspective and on a scientific basis.
We want to see a world where all people have access to enough and nutritious food, produced within the planetary boundaries and where human rights and animal welfare are respected. We want a sustainable global food system, where farmers are paid fairly for their products.
Since animal agriculture is the major cause of negative environmental impact in the food sector, and one of the most impactful causes of environmental degradation overall, a main focus is to promote a radical reduction in the production and consumption of animal foods in Sweden and globally.
From the byelaws of Swedish Food and Environment Information:
”Swedish Food and Environment Information is a non-profit organisation, not affiliated with any political party or religion. The purpose of the organisation is to work for a sustainable lifestyle out of consideration for people, animals and the global ecosystem. This by means of public education, informing the public about how food production affects the environment and the climate, and by promoting political measures for environmentally sustainable food production and food consumption. In particular, the organisation provides information and carry out information activities that gives the public means for minimizing their negative environmental and climate impact and for maximizing their positive environmental impact from food consumption. The organisation also provides information that helps the public to promote political measures for environmentally sustainable food production and food consumption.”