Changing Climate, Changing Diets. Pathways to Lower Meat Consumption.

Chatham House the Royal Institute of International Affairs, november 2015.

Chatham House utreder grundligt de politiska vägarna till minskad köttkonsumtion. Köttskatt bör införas som ett effektivt verktyg för att rädda planeten och pengarna kan med fördel användas till att subventionera klimatsmart växtbaserad föda.

”Agriculture is a major driver of climate change. Globally, food systems are responsible for up to 30 per cent of all humandriven greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The production of animals and of crops for feed alone accounts for nearly a third of global deforestation and associated carbon dioxide emissions: it is a primary source of methane and nitrous oxide, two of the most potent GHGs; and in terms of water, land and energy use it is highly resource-intensive.”
